Tentang Adobe Photoshop Cs4 (BASIC)

Antara cerita asas yang boleh dipelajari tentang ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS4

Adobe Photoshop is available on both Windows XP and Macintosh workstations.  The following notes
supplement the 1hour introductory session on Adobe Photoshop on the Windows XP platform. Additional
classes about specific aspects of Photoshop are available.

Here i show you the instruction for the beginner to use Adobe Photoshop (Only For Beginner)

1. To begin, reset your tools to their default settings.
To reset the tools, underneath the top line menu
and the word “File,” right click on the tool icon.
Select “Reset All Tools”.  This is advisable in the
Interactive Media Center where users may change
Photoshop settings.

2. Then select Window > Workspace > Essentials (default).  This is advisable in the Interactive
Media Center where users may change Photoshop settings.

3. When working in Photoshop it is recommended that you also display the History floating palette.
Select Window >History. History records and displays all changes made to the image listed with the
most recent action on the bottom.  As you select up the list you are able to undo commands and
eliminate or repeat action--great for repeat undo.

4. If working on a file that will be printed or inserted in a document that will be printed, select View >

5. Note the Undo command from the Top Line Menu.  Edit > Undo State Change allows you to remove
the last executed command.  Or, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + z”.

6. Crop, Cut, Copy, and Paste - Areas on your image may be selected and then altered.  The Crop
command allows you to select an area on your image to retain and to “cut out” or delete the area
outside the selected area.  Use the crop tool  from the tool palette. Select the crop tool, select the
area to retain and then press enter. Use Edit > Cut [Ctrl+X] to remove an area from the image. Use
copy [Ctrl+C] and paste [Ctrl+V] to select areas to place in the same image, to put onto a new canvas
or to add to another image. This creates layers.

So this is for the beginner for who a new on adobe photoshop Cs4
i will post for the next instructions for the new steps.
check it out